Tuesday, February 26, 2008

#15: the cupboard under the stairs

Curli (short for Curlicue, because she has a tail that ends in a flourish downward) is our tubby acrobatic cat. She used to tightrope-walk the railing on our 3rd floor apartment balcony; now she settles for the top of the door to the laundry room, which she accesses from the adjoining "crawlspace" (larger than its name suggests).


  1. Oh, that is good to see that pretty Curli pic. :) Thanks Julie!

    For those of you that don't know, Curli is a female cat that just adores my sister Julie...Curli follows Julie around constantly, and is always "under foot" for Julie.

    Curli is addicted to being around Julie. :)

  2. I might also add that Curli is a cat that I have never heard do a real meow like most cats can do. Curlie does a "meep meep" sound, which is very close to the way the Road Runner bird from the Bugs Bunny cartoon show sounds like. Meep Meep!

    Darth (the other cat) is quiet, but when he feels like it, he can "Meowwwwaaallll" very loudly...which usually means he wants something and he wants it right now!!!! :)

  3. I am thinking little Curli probably forces herself to overeat as a precaution....to store up extra fat just in case times suddenly get lean on food, like her existance before being adopted by Julie & James.

    For what it is worth, Curli looks very healthy now. I know when you (Julie & James) first got her, she was rail thin, and her hair did not look healthy like it does now.

    I'm guessing she is one happy little kitty now. :)

  4. Haha! I am just revisting this blog post many months after the fact.
    Having seen sweet little curli cat does exactly what is shown in this pic (in person, last May 2008)....I am still trying to figure out how she gets up between the joists in your basement. Hahahaha! Happy little curli cat...makes me happy too! :)
