Monday, May 26, 2008

happier times - family week, day 1

Lest you think it's nothing but sorrow around here, let me share a few photos from last week.

Mom & Dad and Perry flew out for a visit. The Saturday they arrived, we lunched at Mr. Sub (thanks, Perry!) and then dashed over to Dow's Lake to take in the blooms at the annual Tulip Festival, which ran from May 2-19 this year. The weather here in the valley is notoriously unpredictable, but we squeezed in a circuit around a few main beds in Commissioners Park before the rain set in.

© James Chychota, 2008

More pictures to follow soon.


  1. Hiya Julie!
    The entire seven days I was out there in Ottawa was a perfect vacation for me. Thanks to you and James, and also Darth and Curlie cats for being such good hosts.

    I miss having the cats planting themselves down on my bed for night.

    After seeing one of the cats open the closet door in reverse (still not sure how Curlie managed that), I think it is only a matter of time before both cats figure out how to unlatch your patio doors to get outside. THEY KNOW WHERE THE LATCH IS.....I have seen them studying it intensely (especially Darthy boy).

    Wozzy did the same thing with my kitchen cupboard doors way up near the kitchen ceiling in order to get at his cat food.

    Cats are determined little spitfires. :)

  2. I bet those cats are missing Uncle Perry!

    Julie, I am so sorry to read of all the sorrow going on in your life right now. I regret not commenting sooner as I started to read of Aunt Elvira on Sunday and then got distracted and forgot to come back to your entry.

    Thoughts are with you.


  3. Yep, the two furzels are missing Uncle Perry already.

    Hi Siobhan, it's that weird, disconnected sadness, knowing that others are coping with these strong emotions and feeling helpless to help them--and maybe a dose of dread, because sooner or later, well...death & taxes, right?
