Monday, July 30, 2012

RC race weekend

So I'm really, really slow in posting photos of the F1 Grand Prix in Montreal in June because I ran into a hitch:  I found out that a free Flickr account holds a limit of 200 photos.  See, I was going to upload photos to Flickr and then include a link to it here; I thought it would be faster than trying to load them one by one to this blog.  Since I already had uploaded 85 Bonn-related photos, I was reaching my limit fast.  Consequently, I need to rethink my strategy.

Meanwhile, here are some pictures of the Tamiya Off-Road Championships held this past weekend.  I'll add captions and narrative when I have a chance, so readers will have to check back.

Sutton Aviation, Rockcliffe Airport
(James is seated on the left)

Racers' tables: where they tinker and polish their vehicles

James's two off-road RC cars

Brush to brush away larger dirt particles, Cyberclean to collect the fine particles of dirt from the wheels,
especially, a screwdriver, and an assortment of tiny screws, washers, clips.

The off-road racetrack, covered by a tent. 
The stands give racers extra height so they can follow their cars on track.
James's car is the red one with the blue wing, fifth from the top on this photo.

Blink and you might miss it go by.

Update 2012-08-03:  OK, captions added.  Not sure a narrative is unnecessary, since the photos capture the event's essence:  testosterone, RC cars (RC = remote controlled or radio controlled), and the occasional Significant Other present for moral support.  I'll note, however, that since the Friday and Saturday practice sessions went long (7 or 8am to 10 or 11pm), I was glad that Sunday qualifiers and James's actual races lasted from about 7:45am (official start time was delayed by 15 minutes) to 1:00pm.  Gave us time for a Meddachschlop, something practically unheard of at our house.

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