Thursday, February 28, 2008

#17: lunch on SITE

Poutine – perfected in French Canada;
choice of log drivers, coureurs de bois, and voyageurs for half a century

Thursdays are generally long days for me. I work only 3 classes, but I have two 3-hour breaks between them. I tend to gravitate towards either the Morisset Library, or the 2nd floor of SITE (School of Information Technology and Engineering), which you catch a glimpse of above. SITE reminds me of the RRC Princess St. Campus, except that the SITE is all brand-new, whereas RRC incorporated existing buildings. The colors are similar, though: bright reds, mustards, and metallic grays and blues. Lots of glass windows and a few open staircases in both places, and lots of places to recharge laptops.

My favorite spot is just under the stairway to the third floor; it's more private, and acts as a visor of sorts on sunny days like today. These shots are darker than I'd like, but I took them with my built-in PhotoBooth app and my limited photographic skills. And I didn't really want to drag it out; I think the students further down the counter were already eyeing me suspiciously, wondering if I had an eating disorder, or why else might I be posing my food and lovingly taking snapshots of it before I tucked into it?

These photos seem to be mirror images; just reverse everything in your minds (or not, if that requires too much effort). As I was looking out the wall of glass, the SITE sign was to my left. The building faces traffic: the lane closest to the building is a two-direction transitway; the farther lanes are the #417 leading into and out of downtown. Oh, and there's also a sidewalk before the transitway: don't worry, that person is not walking in the bus lanes.

Info on poutine
More info on poutine (even the pronunciation, which I've found varies from person to person; cautionary note: the rest of the site might be a little racy)
Still more info on poutine
And even something on midnightpoutine (not about food, but the site sounds intriguing)


  1. I think it's hilarious that you always have a link based on your photo blog!

    btw, the chimes? Still chiming, but only after I'd been home awhile.

    Maybe I'd better take a photo and see what shows up.

    I just sent a chill down my spine!

  2. Now I'm all hungry for poutine. And I don't know that I've ever been hungry for poutine before.

  3. Ah, some nice pics looking out the window at the uOttawa, home of the uOttawa Gee-Gees football team!

    And no, Julie is not paying me to promote Ottawa. This promotion is from my own design. :)

    I just happen to be impressed with the city of Ottawa. And it has nothing to do with the politicians nor politics. It has to do with the landscape, the trees, the buildings, the way everything looks out there. Plus my two favourite four legged felines live out there. :)

  4. I love poutine, the gravy, the cheese curds. My hips are expanding just thinking about it. I do have a problem ordering it in that I tend to pronounce it using the name of the Russian president:(

  5. Hey, was not our former Prime Minister, Jean Poutine? (or maybe I just saw that on This Hour Has 22 Minutes or the Rick Mercer Report). lol :)

  6. Ottawa vs. Winnipeg longest skateing rink....hey guess what, Winnipeg has a narrow piddley little thing, and the Red River is not that wide. Ottawa still has the largest naturally skateing rink in the world. I think Winnipeg is just trying to grasp at straws as usual. So Winnipeg's rink is a snow shovel wide, big deal. Which city has an NHL team? hohohohohh :)
