Friday, February 15, 2008

nuffin' but a muffin: moment 4

I resisted the urge to take a photo of the snow pile outside our front door, which has once again reached mountainous proportions. Instead, here is one of the dozen muffins I baked yesterday. I only had one banana (it was a "giraffe banana"--Robyn's term), and the recipe called for two or three, so I added some frozen raspberries to the batter; the raspberries "bled" juice, hence the bluish tinge. I'm the only one eating them: curse that Men's Health plan! I'll have to exercise more self-control (or just plain exercise--I'm sure shovelling counts) so I don't fall victim to muffin top.


  1. Love the muffin top link! Though I could have been a way better example than those two women.

  2. I haven't seen you for a while, but your pictures belie that claim. I will say that photo example was a bit disappointing: I've seen far, far worse than those two on the bus, at the mall, and on campus.

  3. Hi Julie. I got here from Ellen's blog. I always refer to the over-ripe bananas as giraffe bananas and get strange looks. I'm glad someone else understands. And the muffin top examples were lame; any postpartum woman can do better. The bus is generally loaded with good examples of muffin tops and women who should not be wearing leggings. I'm actually off to make muffins with my giraffe bananas right now!

  4. Hi Robyn,
    It's actually on account of one of your comments on L's blog that I started using the term "giraffe banana"; it's the perfect description! I should have given credit to you, but I couldn't recall which of L's loyal readers had said it, and after eating so many muffins, I was too lazy to do the research. I'll fix the oversight. :)

  5. Julie! Your blog cracks me up! I loved the valentine's at the vet experience. I hope little Darthy has safely expelled his interior fur bits. I once paid $200 to find out Mousie was constipated. Thanks, cat. That was good drinking money down the drain.

  6. Haha, that reminds me of the conversations I overheard at the last dept. I worked in at UM, thanks to cubicles. I learned many things from the wise ConEd women across the hall, including how to alleviate the troubles of a constipated cat.

  7. Too funny. I don't remember making a giraffe banana comment on Ellen's blog but it sounds like something I would do.

  8. Going back to the Valentines post (and unless my eyes weren't focusing properly, the text was added after the picture), the quiz was hilarious!! I'm embarrassed to say I scored in the mediocre category, but I did get the Clone-a-willy chocolate mold one correct (not from personal experience of course).

  9. No need to adjust your contacts, L, the text was indeed an afterthought. (re: mold--sure, sure, wink, wink)
