Friday, March 14, 2008

snow rage, pi(e) day, & therapeutic massage

Yahoo's article on snow rage caught my attention this morning. I know I've experienced snow despair this season, but it hasn't turned to rage yet.

More later, since I've got to go catch the bus downtown. I managed to stay on my feet yesterday, despite the slickness. I'm aiming for a repeat. However, I did succumb to the "cold" in that I called James from Baseline and asked him to have the truck waiting at Fallowfield when I arrived at 8pm. I feel compelled to put "cold" in quotation marks, since I mean relative cold, that is Ottawa cold as compared to Winnipeg cold. You have to visit or live here in winter to fully understand. Perhaps the best way to phrase it is that it's a nuanced cold.

I still mean to post an excerpt from Rita's Culinary Trickery. Maybe I'll squeeze it in when I get back. Stay tuned.

~ later that same day ~

I must add that it's Pi Day today. The company my husband works for was going to celebrate at 1:59 with slices of pie in the cafeteria/lunchroom. Nothing screams "geek" like celebrating pi day. Then again, as James is fond of repeating, "Any time's a good time for pie!" Reminds me of the "pie are round" joke: see this guy's blog (middle of first paragraph) for the joke (and a square pie). I'm convinced: I'm thinking I will pick up a peach/blueberry/raspberry pie for tonight.

I'm looking forward to the pie, but the absolute best thing about today is that I'm going for massage therapy at Spa Haven. I have procrastinated long enough; my neck, shoulders, & lower back are going to thank me for this.


  1. Well, that is certainly interesting...Pi day...

    I think they should have an official "Feline Day" holiday (stat at that!!). Anyboady with at least one cute cat gets a day off with full pay... :) .....just for all their hard work and effort during the year. :)

  2. I had forgotten all about my Pi Day post. This year I was in England on vacation and a few days late took a bunch of pictures of Stonehenge, which often looks like the letter pi.

  3. Hey you - have your photo moments come to an end?? Miss them!

  4. Hello Julie, you out there? I should talk, huh?
